
Contact Us

All Method Contact Detail

Our customer service representative is available 24/7. You may contact us via the following methods:

Follow Our Social Media For News Update

Follow us on our social media to get more promotion updates, game tips and our sharing winning records.

Please Join and Follow to Our "Telegram"

As for our website or domain or any social media platform, players may be prohibited from accessing us or they will freeze us due to their terms. So in order for players to keep in touch with us all the time, all players must join our Telegram account. Any news we will be posted on Telegram.

We hereby declare that our Telegram will not be replaced. Thank you for your cooperation.

Telegram :

Feedback and Suggestion

Your helpful comments are much appreciated and your feedback will help us to continually improve the standard of our services offered to all our respective players.

Feel Free to "Complaint" or "Report" all your problems that cannot be resolved by our customer service representative.

You may lodge a complaint to us by writing us an email with a full elaboration of the issue you faced. Attach along in the email with all relevant information such as your ID and chat screenshots for our investigation assistance.

Email : [email protected]